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Biography of Horror Writer Hank Belbin
Hank Belbin

Author/ Playwright/ Screenwriter.

Focusing on Cosmic Horror and Classic Horror tales

Born in Southampton.


I am an autodidactic Writer and Author. I grew up in Southampton, England, to two very normal parents, and in very normal circumstances. I grew up slow and spent the majority of my youth as an outcast in most social circles. But I didn’t mind, because I was more interested in dreaming.


My favourite thing to do from a young age was sit and dream up stories. Throughout school, I found myself in detention quite a lot. I used to get into trouble on purpose so I could be left alone. Being ‘forced’ to sit quietly at my desk after hours, away from the arbitrary tasks that had been set and the mundane chatter of other kids, was my favourite thing about school.

I had attempted to write a few stories when I was around twelve years old, but they were too mature in theme for me to write effectively. It wasn’t until I was twenty-one that I picked it up again. I had this story rattling around in my mind for ages, so I just decided to sit down one day and type it all out. No one will ever read that story, but it all went from there and I’ve been writing ever since.

My writing has always invariably focused on the human condition set against the backdrop of the fathomless abyss of time and space. What are we? Is our presence even noticed here? If so, then by what? I have always liked the idea of never being able to truly comprehend what we are or where we sit. It's only our interpretation of it that gives it any sense of meaning to us.

I’ve always approached writing as if it were music. I am fascinated by the effects that mere words can have on a person. The pacing, the dynamics, and the rhythm can be manipulated in such a way to manifest themselves as feelings within the reader and even change the way they perceive things. I like to think of it as the alchemy of literature; a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination of words that can create entire worlds.

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a somewhat passing interest in my work because I really enjoyed writing it.

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